
# 18

My most absolute favorite part about Christmas are stockings! I like filling them, but I also like getting all those cute little things too. This year I'm having a tough time filling my guy's. So far I've got gloves, socks, a sticker, candy and soap. I've got a book on the way from Amazon, I hope it makes it in time.

Now he's not terribly hard to buy for but I'm having a hard time finding inexpensive small items. He's into fishing, painting and computers. So I was thinking fish hooks, but I don't know what kind. Possibly some paints or brushes. As far as computers are concerned, I better not touch that with a ten foot pole.

So I'm turning to you my dear devoted followers... What are some good stocking stuffers for guys? Any ideas are welcomed. Please for the love of... I'm not to proud to beg. Oh and don't forget to stop on over to your right and vote! Go crazy, I dare ya.


  1. They also have What is my poop telling me?. I almost bought it for Joe....

  2. We already have that one, and he totally loves it... must add to the collection :)

  3. My pee usually tells me "Did you have Lucky charms for breakfast?"


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