
# 27

What's with the random shoes laying in the middle of the street. Am I the only one who sees this going on? Does it only happen here? Do you notice that its usually only sneakers? Dirty, beaten up poor little ol knock off Nike's. I never see a red stiletto hangin out in the median. That would make more since to me; heels are torture. Never in pairs and I can't but help wonder. Where are the socks? Or sock?

Did you leave the house this morning with only one shoe because that's all you could find... decide half way to work, fuck it, shoes are over rated and tossed that bitch out the window??

Was this poor shoe ripped from your foot in a heated argument, and your punishment is a cold left foot?

Did you have an overwhelming case of road rage, and when you reached for your nine you found a Reebok instead?

So many unanswered questions...


  1. Maybe a dog dropped it there..... ;-) Thats what I always imagine....

  2. I was just thinking that on the way home from work yesterday. I noticed a shoe in the middle of the road.. it was like... WTF? did someone get hit so hard that all that is left is a shoe? I mean ... how do you lose a shoe on the highway?


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